FGM/C Shifting Sands

What critics think Articles

Colonial Legacies in 'FGM'

Are designer vaginas & FGM the same?

Aid money does not save girls from FGM

UK Aid does not save girls from FGM

Published 15 August 2023

Recently Nimco Ali wrote a controversial and important piece

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Zero tolerance of Zero Tolerance approach for FGM

Zero Tolerance of Zero Tolerance for FGM

Published 13 February 2023

Sheffield hosted an important but different event on 5th February 2023,

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Is trans surgery just state-sanctioned mutilation?

Is trans surgery just state-sanctioned mutilation?

Published 27 June 2022

Brendan O’Neill spiked’s chief political writer recently published this insightful piece.

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Gender equality in Abrahamic circumcision – why or why not?

Gender equality in Abrahamic circumcision – why or why not?

Published 7 March 2022

A recently published issue of Global Discourse uses Professor Richard Shweders essay

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FGM: a cause célèbre

FGM: Perils of a cause célèbre

Published 25 May 2021

A patronising and draconian response to FGM risks victimising women who have already been abused writes Ella Whelan.

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Policing by midwives

Call the Midwife?

Published 21 April 2021

The nostalgic BBC drama, Call the Midwife, set in London’s east end

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FGM awareness-raising

The feminist fixation on vaginas is getting out of hand.

Put it away, love

Published 3 March 2020

No one could accuse me of not liking vaginas; I’m especially keen on mine writes Julie Burchill.

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